[i18n] The freebusy information not showing if chose other lang than english

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Mon Aug 11 17:53:27 UTC 2014

Quoting zmylna <zmylna at gmail.com>:

> W dniu .08.2014 o 16:39 gerard breiner [via Horde]
> <ml-node+s690n126084h92 at n7.nabble.com> pisze:
>> Le 11 août 2014 à 11:59, zmylna <zmylna at gmail.com> a écrit :
>>> Zmylna
>>> 11 sie 2014 11:52 "Jan Schneider [via Horde]" <
>>> ml-node+s690n126064h72 at n7.nabble.com> napisał(a):
>>>> Zitat von Zmylna <[hidden email]>:
>>>>> W dniu .08.2014 o 11:00 Jan Schneider <[hidden email]> pisze:
>>>>>> Zitat von zmylna <[hidden email]>:
>>>>>>> Anyone can help ? Jan ?
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> View this message in context:
>>> http://horde.690.n7.nabble.com/The-freebusy-information-not-showing-if-chose-other-lang-than-english-tp125833p126028.html
>>>>>>> Sent from the Horde - I18N mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
>>>>>> Don't strip context when replying. I have no idea what you are
>>>>>> talking about after being out of the loop for a few days.
>>>>> Sorry for this.
>>>>> Some time ago I finished the fight with inoperative Polish language.
>>>>> In the end it worked by removing the line putenv('LANGUAGE=' .
>>>>> $lang_charset); from the file registry.php
>>>>> Now i can log in to horde with polish language but the freebusy
>>>>> legend stops working
>>>>> If i log on to horde with the chosen language English the freebusy
>>>>> legend shows up. If i log on with selected language Polish freebusy
>>>>> legend no longer shows. Only empty blocks.
>>>> Cannot reproduce.
>>> Maybe even a clue where to look for the problem?
>>>> --
>>>> Jan Schneider
>>>> The Horde Project
>>>> http://www.horde.org/
>>>> https://www.facebook.com/hordeproject
>>>> --
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>>>> NAML
>>> --
>>> View this message in context:
>>> http://horde.690.n7.nabble.com/The-freebusy-information-not-showing-if-chose-other-lang-than-english-tp125833p126066.html
>>> Sent from the Horde - I18N mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
>>> --
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>> Maybe it’s just a bad modified nls.php or nls.local.php in horde/config
>> We have Horde 5.1.5 and kronolith 4.1.4 and free busy information works
>> very fine…. if that can help you…
>> Regards.
>> Gerard
> Hi Gerard. Thank you for your answer.
> I don't modify nls.php It is original file.
> Do you know what needs to be modified to freebusy began work?
> On Debian server Horde works perfectly. I have only problem with freebusy
> and polish language on Netbsd server :(

Does it work on a different, non-netbsd server?

The likeliest explanation is that netbsd has a broken implementation  
of locale/language functionality, since nobody else can reproduce.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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