[imapproxy] Bugs in cvs version

Didi Rieder adrieder@sbox.tugraz.at
Tue Oct 29 16:19:10 2002

--On Tuesday, October 29, 2002 09:31:50 AM -0600 Eric Rostetter 
<eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu> wrote:

> Right now 723, but it was probably more like 750-800 when I ran the test
> earlier.
>> I think there is a buffer overrun somewhere, because when I just
>> fetch 10 messages, everthing is ok.
> Could be, or could be something else (timeout, memory limit hit, etc).
> I've not looked at the code that close...

Ok I kept on playing :-) and installed the imapproxy on a Linux machine. 
Here I can't reproduce the strange behaviour. It seems that the problem is 
related to the build under Sun/Solaris.


Didi Rieder