[imp] some simple suggestions about IMP 2.2

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Mon, 09 Oct 2000 21:45:11 -0400 (EDT)

Quoting steeman philip <philip.steeman@kh.khbo.be>:

> My users have noticed that the explanation of the deleted-gif
> ("[deleted]") isn't translated. Isn't it possible to put it in the
> locale-tree?
> Of course I can change it in config/mailbox.php3 but I have users
> (students) who speak English/French/Dutch, and then they can't change
> it.

The problem is that the file these are defined in is evaluated before the
language is. I'll figure out a way around in for 2.3, but I don't want to mess
with it for 2.2.

> <img alt="[personal]" src="graphics/plus.gif">

This is already done in 2.3.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
must... find... acorns... *thud*