[imp] Semicolons in To: list

Joseph Brennan brennan@columbia.edu
Wed, 11 Oct 2000 09:00:19 -0400

--On Tuesday, October 10, 2000 15:10 -0500 The Raven 
<lolson@lynx.nisc.cc> wrote:

> Many of our users are MS Express users who are used to using ;'s to
> separate people in the To: field.  Despite the fact that we tell them
> not to, they do anyway and then complain about messages not getting
> sent. Would it be possible to add ;'s as valid address separators?

That's a standards violation, and should not be supported.  My 2 cents.

Joseph Brennan                           postmaster@columbia.edu
Academic Technologies Group, Academic Information Systems (AcIS)