Netscape Message Filters and "deleted" items displayed in IMP

Patrick Hawley
Wed, 11 Oct 2000 11:06:47 -0500

Hello there. I have only recently begun testing IMP, but so far I really
like it, as well as the progress I see for it in the future. However,
I've come up with a really annoying problem:

I use Netscape Communicator (Messenger) to read my email from our IMAP
server (Cyrus 1.6.24). I use "message filters" in Netscape to send my
emails to their appropriate folders. When I look at my Inbox in IMP, I
see all of the messages that have been "moved" in to other folders
(either via message filters or drag-n-drop), and they are marked
"deleted". From this, I'm assuming that when Netscape "moves" a message
to another folder, it actually copies the message and deletes the
orginal. Regardless, Netscape's behaviour isn't within the scope of this
list, so I'll move on.

The IMP behavior that I find more annoying than the fact that I have a
bunch of "deleted" messages in my Inbox is that when I select "Hide
Deleted", the deleted messages are still figured in to the message count
and in to the screens (if I have 244 messages, I have 13 screens/pages
of messages, 20 per screen, and when I click "Hide Messages", the
screens don't repaginate, i.e. if I have 18 "deleted" messages and 2
undeleted messages in screen 3 of my Inbox and I choose "Hide Deleted",
I still have the same number of screens/pages, but now screen 3 shows
just 2 messages while the count in the top-right corner reads "1 - 20 of
244 Messages".

I apologize if this has been answered, but I searched the archives and
FAQ to no avail.


RedHat6.2 x86
Netscape Communicator 4.75

IMP server:

RedHat7.0 x86

from the horde test script:
Horde Versions
     Horde: 1.2.2 
     IMP: 2.2.2 

PHP Version
     PHP Version: 4.0.1pl2 
     PHP Major Version: 4 
     PHP Minor Version: .1pl2 
     You are running a stable release of PHP4. Enjoy the ride! 

PHP Module Capabilities
     IMAP Support: Yes 
     LDAP Support: Yes 
     MySQL Support: Yes 
     PostgreSQL Support: Yes 

from phpinfo():

IMAP Support		enabled
IMAP c-Client Version	4.1

Apache Version		Apache/1.3.12
Apache Release		10312100
Apache API Version	19990320
Loaded Modules	mod_ssl, mod_php4, mod_perl, mod_setenvif,
		mod_so, mod_headers, mod_expires, mod_auth_db,
		mod_auth_anon, mod_auth, mod_access,
		mod_rewrite, mod_alias, mod_userdir,
		mod_actions, mod_imap, mod_asis, mod_cgi,
		mod_dir, mod_autoindex, mod_include,
		mod_info, mod_status, mod_negotiation,
		mod_mime, mod_log_referer, mod_log_agent,
		mod_log_config, mod_env, mod_vhost_alias, http_core

IMAP server:

RedHat6.2 x86

Cyrus IMAP 1.6.24