[imp] IMP and MOTD.html

Ari Heikkinen aheikin@phaser-atm.pspt.fi
Thu, 12 Oct 2000 17:14:28 +0300 (EEST)

On Thu, 12 Oct 2000, Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:

> Quoting Ari Heikkinen <aheikin@phaser-atm.pspt.fi>:
> > Is there any way to display different MOTD files for different languages
> > user chooses before logging on IMP ?
> > 
> > Say I'd like english MOTD (say a file called MOTD-english.html) displayed
> > for anything else except if user chooses "Suomi" as the language display
> > a finnish MOTD.
> > 
> > Would it be hard to modify IMP do this?
> You can put php logic into config/MOTD.html, if you want. So just check the
> language, and output accordingly.

Does this mean I have to learn PHP ? :) (so far I've gotten along with C,
C++ and UNIX shell tools)

Would be very nice if someone (in the know) could write a template I could
modify for choosing a MOTD file depending on the language selected..

(this would propably be useful for others too..)

> -chuck

Ari Heikkinen - PSPT <e-mail: aheikin@dlr.pspt.fi>