[imp] Background colors in IMP 2.3.6-cvs?

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Sat, 14 Oct 2000 21:01:02 -0400 (EDT)

Quoting Dan Brown <danb35@earthlink.net>:

>     I recently installed PHP 4.0.3 on my server, and started working with
> 2.3 CVS again--it seems like a much nicer interface than 2.2, which itself
> is
> pretty good.  I've noticed, though, that I'm not seeing the colored
> backgrounds
> in the message listings (to indicate new, read, replied, and deleted). 
> Instead,
> new, replied, and deleted are all giving a light gray background, while read
> is
> giving a white (or nearly-white) background.  This happens on Netscape 4,
> Netscape 6PR3, and IE 5.0, but not on IE 5.5--it displays them correctly. 
> What
> could be causing this, and is there any simple way to fix it?

8-bit color? Sounds rather strange... try turning on the mailbox legend, and see
if the colors there match...


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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