[imp] PHP 3.0.17 mime.c Apache crash [offtopic rant]

vviitane+mail.imp@mappi.helsinki.fi vviitane+mail.imp@mappi.helsinki.fi
Tue, 17 Oct 2000 23:44:51 +0300 (EET DST)

Quoting "Brent J. Nordquist" <bjn@horde.org>:

> Leena Heino <liinu@uta.fi> posted to php-dev that there's a problem with
> mime.c in 3.0.17 that will cause Apache to crash during POST with IMP. 
> I
> happened to find this also this morning, and I appreciate your timely
> posting of a workaround (I'm about to try it):
> http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=php-dev&m=97176599418670&w=2


<rant type="dont-take-this-too-seriously">

It's things like this that really bug me (yeah, I ran head first into it too). I
mean, php is a fine piece of software, but, do they *test* things before
releasing new versions of php? This isn't the first (or even the second) time
things like this has happened - I'm forced to upgrade for some reason (this time
the syslog format vulnerability) and the new version is broken and then it's
oh-so-fun trying to figure a way to get things running. This time it was simple,
I took syslog.c and imap.c from 3.0.17 to 3.0.16. Oh well.


Oh, by the way, now that I got into this, today (it's a quarter to midnight now)
there have been 5371 different user logins to our imp installation so far.
Yesterday there were 5227.

Viljo Viitanen
Mostly happy imp admin