[imp] LDAP poll

Jon Parise jon@csh.rit.edu
Thu, 19 Oct 2000 15:28:56 -0400

On Thu, Oct 19, 2000 at 11:33:11AM -0400, John Morrissey wrote:

> Remember that we're talking about generating a DN from scratch here; Jon's
> proposing to generate DNs from the username and a root DN. For example, if
> user foo is logged into IMP and the root DN is set (via IMP preferences?) to
> o=bar,c=US, then the generated DN would be uid=foo,o=bar,c=US. However, if
> user foo is really uid=foo,ou=engineering,o=bar,c=US, then IMP won't be
> generating the right DN for that user. In that case, you'd have to search
> under o=bar,c=US for "(uid=foo)" and retrieve the DN for that entry from the
> search results.

That's right.  As far as IMP is concerned, we know your (mail server)
username.  Via the configuration file, we can get the root DN and the
"search" term ('uid', for example).

I was asking whether it was "okay" to assume that $uid=$username,$rootdn
would work for everyone.  The second example above shows how this will

I think I might just simplify the code for now anyway, however, and
revisit it later when we have users with more complex needs.

Jon Parise (jon@csh.rit.edu)  .  Rochester Inst. of Technology
http://www.csh.rit.edu/~jon/  :  Computer Science House Member