Please help with this thing!
Fri, 20 Oct 2000 19:14:25 -0300
Installing IMP/Horde webmail.
Iam stuck with this:
Installed everything from RPMS and by the book . Using RH 6.0 Apache 1.3.12
MySQL-3.22.32 php-3.0.16 etc.
If i go with a browser from localhost (using lynx) or from the workstation
(using IE 5) to ../horde/test.php3 :
Warning: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111) in on line 73
Mysql is running (checked with with ps -ax) and i did mysql_install_db and
.....everything by the book.
I olso did mysql <../horde/install_create.sql that sets up and creates all
permisions for the horde user and database and tables.
And from localhost #mysql -u root works , i can create databases, tables
users, etc..
I dont know what else to do.
Please help