[imp] Custom Reply-To header with multiple addresses?
Chuck Hagenbuch
Tue, 24 Oct 2000 23:19:53 -0400 (EDT)
Quoting Lloyd Zusman <ljz@asfast.com>:
> Is there any way I can cause IMP to automatically do that for me
> for all outgoing mail for a specific user ID?
Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
Many states consider gambling so immoral that they not only prohibit private
gambling organizations, they thoughtfully provide their own.
>From ljz@asfast.com Date: 24 Oct 2000 23:45:44 -0400
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Subject: Re: [imp] Custom Reply-To header with multiple addresses?
Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org> writes:
> Quoting Lloyd Zusman <ljz@asfast.com>:
> > Is there any way I can cause IMP to automatically do that for me
> > for all outgoing mail for a specific user ID?
> No.
Oh well ... <sigh>
In this case, I'd like to suggest a feature for a future release of
IMP ... and if people like this proposed feature, I'd be happy to
submit patches for its implementation.
The proposed feature is to allow the user to specify a list of custom
headers in the "Preferences". This information could be stored along
with all the other preferences, and it would allow the user to
customize any and all desired headers, not only "Reply-To".
> -chuck
- Lloyd
Lloyd Zusman