[imp] hey again...

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Thu, 26 Oct 2000 00:05:59 -0400 (EDT)

Quoting "John P . Looney" <valen@tuatha.org>:

>  I was wondering, is there any point me doing a "proper" version, i.e.
> taking out locale strings, and making the templates neater, and adding it
> to the newer versions of IMP ? The back end relies on qmail/ezmlm
> unfortunatly, though once the frontend would be made availible, I'm sure
> someone could do majordomo/postfix/sendmail backend work too. What think
> ye ? If anyone wants more info, or maybe they want to voice support for a
> "proper version" do tell. I know that there are problems having complete
> IMP support for mailing lists & filters because they are backend specific,
> but you have to start somewhere....

I'd like to see a seperate Horde app started to accomodate things like this that
are mail-related but not IMAP-based and are somewhat backend specific.
Obviously, if it's done to work with current dev code (IMP 2.3/Horde 1.3, etc),
and the more modular the backends are, the better the chances we'll put it right
in CVS.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
Many states consider gambling so immoral that they not only prohibit private
gambling organizations, they thoughtfully provide their own.

>From bary@isp.pl Date:   Thu, 26 Oct 2000 09:57:34 +0200
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Subject: addcontact.php3 problem

I use IMP 2.2.3-8 and i have some problems with adding new position into
adressbook. When I try to add new postinion into my adressbook system
returns me:
Warning: Bad escape sequence: \' in /usr/share/horde/imp/addcontact.php3 on
line 115

Debian Potato, php3 (3.0.18).

Przemysław 'Bary' Barczuk
System & Network administrator
tel. (071) 37-08-464