Spell check and LDAP promlems.

Riot Act riot_act@hotmail.com
Thu, 26 Oct 2000 21:10:41 GMT


Dunno if my posts are actually making onto mailing list, or if my posts are 
getting lost in the shuffle somewhere.  Whatever the case, if my emails are 
getting through and getting looked at, I have ???solutions??? for both of  
the problems I posted about the spell checking not working and about LDAP 
searches being busted.

Looks like spelling.php3 was finding ispell just fine but that ispell
didn't know how to find english.hash.  I had installed ispell and chose 
iamerican for the dictionary, but that produced an american.hash file 
(naturally) and not english.hash.  I simply made a link called english.hash 
to american.hash and presto the spell checker works now.  This same problem 
messed up spell checking in other languages (e.g. spanish needs espanol.hash 
and ispanish installs espa~nol.hash) but the fix was the same (again... 
naturally). What was causing me a frown line or two was that it appeared to 
run properly but not find any spelling mistakes -- even if I purposely added 
a few.  I found errors in the error.log for my web server which basically 
told me what was
going wrong.  I then hunted down where ispell puts its hash files and
created the links to get things going properly (in my case /usr/lib/ispell 
holds the hash files, and now the extra links as well).

As for the LDAP searches, having changed nothing else on my box, updating 
the PHP3 stuff to 3.0.18-1 seems to have things working again... but I can't 
really verify if that was what actually fixed the problem.

I only have Debian boxes, and I installed all of this stuff from DEB files, 
so I don't know if this stuff affects/fixes other distributions.  Hope this 
helps anyone having the same grumbles as I did.  :-)

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>From janc@iplink.net Date:   Thu, 26 Oct 2000 18:06:18 -0400
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Subject: Smarter *From* in IMP's Compose window

Using imp-2.2.3-1.noarch.rpm and horde-1.2.3-1.noarch.rpm.

Suppose the imap server handles email addresses for red.com and
How can IMP display the right value in the From field of the Compose

There is only ONE VALUE to set: $default->from_server in

How do I make IMP intelligently fill in the From field,
so that return addresses will be correct?   Can IMP
be configured to use LDAP or something else to look up
the right domain name?
