window resizing
Mon, 30 Oct 2000 15:53:08 -0500 (EST)

Rich Lafferty wrote:

>Which session management have you configured Horde to use
>(in horde/phplib/ Somewhere, the session information (which
>is being stored *somehow*, usually in a session cookie, but possibly
>as a form variable) is being lost along the way.

Here are the relevant portions of my phplib/

class HordeDB extends DB_Sql {
  var $Host = 'localhost';
  var $Database = 'horde';
  var $User = 'hordemgr';
  var $Password = 'xxxxxxxx';
  var $Port = '';

  function halt($msg) {
    printf("<b>Database error (HordeDB):</b> %s<br>\n", $msg);

class HordeCT extends CT_Sql {
  var $database_class = 'HordeDB';         // Which database class to use...
  var $database_table = 'active_sessions'; // and find our data in this table.

........and the last part of
 * The following classes define our session, authentication, and user
 * properties.  You probably don't need to make any changes to them.
class HordeSession extends Session { var $classname = 'HordeSession';
  var $cookiename     = '';           // defaults to classname
  var $magic          = 'chuckmIMP';  // ID seed
  var $mode           = 'cookie';     // We propagate session IDs with cookies
  var $fallback_mode  = 'get';
  var $lifetime       = 0;            // 0 = do session cookies, else minutes
  var $that_class     = 'HordeCT';    // name of data storage container
  var $gc_probability = 5;
  var $allowcache     = 'no';         // don't allow any caching of pages

class HordeSessionCached extends HordeSession {
  var $allowcache     = 'private';    // allow private caching of pages


BTW I placed phplib at /opt/local/apache/phplib, as the the Horde doc for
phplib indicates that phplib does not have to live under the web server
document root.  Could this be part of my problem?


Nan D'Antuono