[imp] configuration help.

Chris Crowley ccrowley@tulane.edu
Mon, 30 Oct 2000 15:43:38 -0600

I sincerly hope this doesn't confuse the issue. But, I am having apache/php
configuration problems as well.

Does anyone have a suggestion for how to remedy a php problem with these

https://s4.tcs.tulane.edu:8443/horde/test.php3 results in:
Fatal error: Failed opening required './lib/version.php' (include_path='')
in /usr/local/apache_php/htdocs/horde/test.php3 on line 32

My php.ini file has the correct include path, but it is never read.

So I tried the horde instruction for directory specific in php
# Added for Horde
<Directory /usr/local/apache_php/htdocs/horde>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
order allow,deny
allow from all
php_include_path "./:/usr/local/apache_php/php"
php_auto_prepend_file /usr/local/apache_php/php/prepend.php
php_magic_quotes_gpc Off
php_track_vars On

But when I try to start the server, I get this error message:

Syntax error on line 347 of /usr/local/apache_php/conf/httpd.conf:
Invalid command 'php_include_path', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a
module not included in the server configuration
../bin/apachectl startssl: httpd could not be started

I put a copy of php.ini in /usr/lib, I changed the permissions on the path
to php.ini to nobody:nobody (just to see).

Apache 1.3.12
openssl 0.9.5a
php4.0.1p12  ---> Is this broken?
mod_ssl 2.6.6
phplib from Horde distribution

Thanks for the assistance!

Christopher  Crowley
System Administrator
504.862.8000 x2535