[imp] sending problems with newest CVS

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Fri, 03 Nov 2000 10:28:06 -0500 (EST)

Quoting RangerFox <rangerfox@rangerfox.net>:

> Running newest CVS imp/horde and apache 1.3.14 and getting the folowing 
> messages when I click send message I get the following errors...
> Warning: Undefined index: SERVER_NAME 
> in /home/soulhadji/public_html/webmail/horde/lib/package.Mime.php on 
> line 44
> Warning: Undefined index: REMOTE_ADDR 
> in /home/soulhadji/public_html/webmail/horde/imp/compose.php on line 632

Don't tell me that these are in HTTP_ENV_VARS also? If they are, I guess we'll
just have to check both places, but these things really belong in
HTTP_SERVER_VARS, and I don't understand why you're the only person getting them
somewhere else. Anything strange or different about your apache or php builds?

> Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in ./lib/IMP.php on 
> line 597

Looks like you enabled $conf['msg']['append_header'] but didn't copy
config/header.txt.dist to config/header.txt.

> Warning: Failed opening 'Mail.php' for inclusion 
> (include_path=''/usr/local/lib/php/'') 
> in /home/soulhadji/public_html/webmail/horde/imp/compose.php on line 670
> Fatal error: Undefined class name 'mail' 
> in /home/soulhadji/public_html/webmail/horde/imp/compose.php on line 671

You need a recent version of PEAR from the php4 cvs with the Mail:: classes.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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