[imp] when i delete a mail it can't be auto sent to the trash floder

Henry Blackman h.blackman@chester.ac.uk
Wed, 8 Nov 2000 09:00:03 -0000

The way mail is implemented with IMAP mail marked for deletion doesn't go
anywhere at all; it is simply that, marked for deletion.  To finally delete
a mail; you have to "Expunge" or "Purge" (in OE) the folder.

There isn't a way around this as far as I know.


----- Original Message -----
From: "rom" <rom_chen@yahoo.com>
To: <imp@lists.horde.org>
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 9:01 AM
Subject: [imp] when i delete a mail it can't be auto sent to the trash

> I have installed the courier-IMAP-1.2.1 with redhat 6.1+qmail 1.03
+vpopmail-4.9.4 and use apache+mysql+php4+imp-2.2.3 as web mail client.now
the problem is :when i delete a mail it can't be auto sent to the trash
,what is the problem.i use the MS outlook express is with the same problem.
> i leave the $default->folders empty (and tried mail/ or Mail/ either) and
> please help me .
>                                                                      rom.