oci8/phplib problem

Andrew Draskoy andrew@mun.ca
Thu, 9 Nov 2000 13:33:44 -0330

I'm converting our imp setup to oci8 from mysql.  There seems to be
a problem with the session data in phplib.  Running test.php3, I get

    Per Session Data: 1

    Session ID: e8483b706409f6e62aceeef0a7cda43d 

    If this page works correctly, then you have a correctly configured
    HordeSession class. You should be done with PHPLIB setup. 
    ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("WEBMAIL"."ACTIVE_SESSIONS"."VALPOS") 
    Query :"insert into active_sessions ( sid, name, val, changed ) values
    ('e8483b706409f6e62aceeef0a7cda43d', 'HordeSession',

I see someone else had this problem, but there were no solutions posted that
I could find.

I'm using the updated oci8 files posted by mkb on Oct. 16th.  Otherwise
horde/imp 1.2.3/2.2.3 with php4.0.3pl1.

Andrew Draskoy