logins and sessions
Thu, 9 Nov 2000 17:48:40 -0500 (EST)
Hi, listers,
I have been watching the IMAP server logs as I test IMP. I've noticed that,
having logged into the IMAP server, every time I click on something, such
as opening a message, or doing a reply function, or a compose, I see another
IMAP server login. I would have thought that the
fact that one had done an IMAP server login would be remembered for
some (configureable?) period of time.
I also see 2 IMAP server logins every time I login using IMP.
I am wondering if there is something wrong with session management at
my installation. Reason why I wonder:
I see a record in the mysql database that looks like this:
(we have a little tool that decodes the Base64 mysql IMP records)
The decoded value for the record identified by sid = 6d77392aee80e7043dcb2338c93
val = $this->in = ''; $this->pt = array();
changed = 20001109154607
At the time indicated in that mysql record (154607), I was using Netscape and
was connected via IMP to the IMAP server. The HordeSession value in the
Netscape location bar matched the sid in the record above.
That was a couple hours ago. Since then I have logged out of and back into
IMP a couple times, using 2 different IMAP logins, and in the Netscape
location bar I still have the same session id as above, but in the mysql data
base for my current login I have this:
The decoded value for the record identified by sid = 85ba91180a586945d3db8793ec1
val = $this->in = ''; $this->pt = array(); $this->pt['imp'] = '1'; $GLOBALS['imp
'] = new ImpSession; $GLOBALS['imp']->data = array(); $GLOBALS['imp']->data['ser
ver'] = 'localhost'; $GLOBALS['imp']->data['port'] = '1143'; $GLOBALS['imp']->da
ta['servtype'] = 'imap'; $GLOBALS['imp']->data['user'] = 'Test_User02'; $GLOBALS
['imp']->data['pass'] = 'xxxxxxx'; $GLOBALS['imp']->data['mailbox'] = 'INBOX'; $
GLOBALS['imp']->data['key'] = ''; $GLOBALS['imp']->data['msgl'] = '10:11:12'; $G
LOBALS['imp']->data['folders'] = ''; $GLOBALS['imp']->data['sortby'] = '1'; $GLO
BALS['imp']->data['sortdir'] = '0'; $GLOBALS['imp']->data['delhide'] = ''; $GLOB
ALS['imp']->data['offset'] = '0'; $GLOBALS['imp']->data['from_server'] = 'brown.
changed = 20001109171518
And the sessionid is obviously different.
One more clue - our mysql database mostly consists of records like the
first one I described above, with a value in the sid and changed columns
and basically nothing else.
Could I have something misconfigured with session management and could this
be why I have an IMAP server login whenever I click anything?
IMP-2.2.3/horde-1.2.3/php-4.0.3/mysql-3.22/Apache-1.3.9 on Solaris 8.
php4 is set up as an Apache dynamic loadable module. Netscape 4.75 on Win98.
Nan D'Antuono