imp 2.2.3/oci8 session error

Andrew Draskoy
Wed, 15 Nov 2000 10:57:44 -0330

I thought I had it working, but...  This morning, all I can get out
of IMP is

ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel 
Query :"SELECT val FROM active_sessions WHERE sid =
'f2e2cd3cee193c2280abd5f97f5657d8' AND name = 'HordeSession'" 

When I first started it up I saw this in a couple of frames, and then
it immediately went away on a refresh.

Hmmm - and now, five minutes after writing the above, everything seems
fine again.  I had checked oracle itself and sqlplus, and there appeared
to be no problems there.  The logs show only the successful login from
this last attempt.

Any ideas?

I'm going to root around in the session code and see what I can find,
but I'm hoping someone's already figured this one out...
