[imp] Good Adminstration suggestions.
Thu, 16 Nov 2000 23:37:38 -0500 (EST)
On Thu, 16 Nov 2000, Rich Lafferty wrote:
> Hopefully your users are all in your timezone, and keep normal hours!
> You shouldn't have to do this, phplib will do it for you.
On our new horde-1.2.3/imp-2.2.3 system, I've noticed the
active_sessions.ISD file slowly growing. After about 2 weeks of
production, it's up to 2mb.
One other thing I've noticed but not had time to track down yet is the
number of /tmp/php* files php 4.0.3pl1 is leaving behind, nearly all
0-length...but in two weeks there are thousands of them. It seems to
work, so tracking this down hasn't been a high priority.
Jon Lewis *jlewis@lewis.org*| I route
System Administrator | therefore you are
Atlantic Net |
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