[imp] imp/ldap problems

Patrick Timmons ptimmons@courriel.polymtl.ca
Wed, 22 Nov 2000 13:47:43 -0500

Hi.  You should be a member of the list if you want to ask questions.

This is our configuration:

$LDAPServers['poly'] = new LDAPServer('poly',                      // tag
                                        'Poly',                    // name as it appears on the address book page
                                        'ldap.polymtl.ca',         // FQDN of the server (server name)
                                        'o=polymtl.ca',            // LDAP root or base for searches (an existing DN from where to start the search)
                                        'sn',                      // attribute name for surname
                                        'cn,mail,sn,givenname',    // attributes to fetch
                                        'is,is_strict,contains,begins,ends');    // available comparison type
// the rest is optional

Dominic Epsom wrote:
> $LDAPServers['dirsrv0'] = new LDAPServer('dirsrv0',
>                                       'dirsrv0.muc',               
>                                       'dirsrv0.muc',               <== not a FQDN
>                                       'bmw group',                 <== not a DN, should be 'o=bmw group'
>                                       'sn',
>                                       'cn,mail,sn,givenname,uid,ou',
> 'is,sounds,is_strict,contains,begins,ends',
>                                       '',
>                                       '',
>                                       'mail');
> my base dn is "o=bmw group"
> Where does all the logging go from imp and the ldap section ?.

If you are using OpenLDAP or UMich LDAP, you configure your syslogd through /etc/syslog.conf of the server

local4.debug                                    -/var/log/slapd.log

For IMP we use 
local2.info                                     -/var/log/webmail.log

Corresponding lines of defaults.php3:
$default->log_stats                      = true;
$default->log_stats_facil                = LOG_LOCAL2;

Patrick Timmons, service informatique