LDAP searches to exchange server

John Bennett bennettj@thebennetthome.com
Fri, 24 Nov 2000 10:43:51 -0600

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When I first joined this list about 3 months ago, I asked how to get the =
ldap lookups to work with an exchange server.  I got some responses, but =
nothing worked.  I checked the faq and archives and found more tips, but =
nothing definitely telling me how to get this to work.

I have finally gotten this to work and wanted to share the results.  The =
main thing in getting this to work is to make sure you find out what your =
o=3D line should be.  This can be found 2 ways.  Using netscape messenger =
you can do an ldap search to the server.  You will have a line that =
organization.  That is your o.  I had been using OE, but didn't find that =
info in there.  Once I put in the correct o, ldap searches via imp to =
exchange work fine.  You can also find out what your o is by using the =
exhange admin and looking at the properties of your system name, then =
copying your directory name.  If you have spaces in your directory name =
then you will need to use "around the name".  Here is an example:

$LDAPServers['foo'] =3D new LDAPServer('foo',
                                                'foo example',
                                                'o=3D"my foo site.com"',

Thanks to all on this list.


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