[imp] Many IMP Parse Errors
Chuck Hagenbuch
Sat, 25 Nov 2000 16:32:45 -0500
Quoting "Evans, Tim" <Tim_Evans@troweprice.com>:
> I have installed IMP 2.2.3 and Horde 1.2.3 on a Cobalt RAQ 4i. When
> I access my mailbox, there is a bold-faced message across the screen
> above the dark blue bar that says:
> Warning: Undefined property: parts in
> /home/sites/site1/web/msdhub/horde/imp-2.0.10/mailbox.php3 on line 452
What version of imp are you really using? (the above message says 2.0.10, but
you say 2.2.3). And what version of php?
Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"If you can't stand the heat, get out of the chicken!" - Baby Blues