[imp] User problem sending mail.

Chris Crowley ccrowley@tulane.edu
Mon, 27 Nov 2000 14:29:11 -0600

A user claims to fail to send messages 30% of the time. No error message,
just a refresh of the composition window.

Any suggestions? Is this a server time-out issue?

Thank you in advance.

Chris Crowley

---------  Forwarded Message  ----------

After composing a message, I hit the send button and the screen just
(I think this is the correct term) without the little message indicating
my message was sent successfully.  In other words, I hit the send button and
the composition page reappears as if I am starting a new message.  I would
estimate that this happens 30 percent of the time, so that I try to always
my message text before sending it in case it is lost.  I am using the system
from Greece [ed. note -- imp server is in USA ]
, so I don't know if that is part of the problem.  I hope that my
description is adequate.  Let me know if you need to know more.


P.S.--It just happened again, so this is a pasted version of the message I
tried to reply with.

P.S.S.--this is the 4th attempt.  I hit the refresh button, pasted the text
into this screen and will attempt to re-send.

-------  End Forwarded Message  ----------

Relevant IMP server log entries:

Nov 27 11:28:05 s4.tcs.tulane.edu sendmail[1927]: eARHS5e01927:
Authentication-Warning: s4.tcs.tulane.edu: nobody set sender to
jtipton@tulane.edu using -f
Nov 27 11:28:05 s4.tcs.tulane.edu sendmail[1927]: eARHS5e01927:
from=jtipton@tulane.edu, size=1516, class=0, nrcpts=1,
msgid=<975346085.3a2299a5ac960@webmail.tulane.edu>, relay=nobody@localhost
Nov 27 11:28:06 s4.tcs.tulane.edu sendmail[1930]: eARHS5e01927:
to=ccrowley@tulane.edu, ctladdr=jtipton@tulane.edu (12066/100),
delay=00:00:01, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=local, pri=121516, dsn=2.0.0,

Relevant MAIL SERVER logs:

show Authenticated ... Logout from well before to well after this message
was sent.