[imp] Question on using SSL

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Tue, 5 Dec 2000 22:29:40 -0500

Quoting chuddles@coin.org:

> I've tried to read the pertinent info on Apache and SSL, and also got the IMP
> FAQ section on secure/encrypted IMAP-SSL connections (which seems to say that
> c library/imap can't do SSL natively), but I just want to ask a general 
> question... If Apache/PHP/IMP/MySQL/IMAP server are all on the same box, 
> wouldn't this support an SSL connection?  Since talking to the IMAP server 
> wouldn't itself have to be encrypted, just the data going over the wire
> between the client and web server.  Just wondered if someone could give a
> brief overview of why or why not SSL would work.  

If that's all you're talking about, then IMP doesn't even have to know (well,
sort of, but don't worry about that) - yes, SSL will work in that situation with
no difference from how it would work for static html on the same server.

> Related note, would applying mod_ssl and recompiling Apache have any effect
> on IMP's operation, even if not using https?

Not directly, no.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"If you can't stand the heat, get out of the chicken!" - Baby Blues