[imp] Install problem.

Peter Peltonen peter.peltonen@fivetec.com
Tue, 05 Dec 2000 18:59:41 +0200

Rich Lafferty wrote:

> Alias /horde/ /path/to/your/horde/directory/

Okay, I added this line to my httpd.conf:

Alias /horde/ "/home/httpd/html/horde/"

and restarted Apache. And it seems to be working as I can get a picture
shown by adding this to my MOTD.html:

<img src="/horde/graphics/help.gif">

But the question marks and link to help.php3 still don't work :(

I think my problem is located in horde/imp/templates/login where reads:

$help->print_help_js(); /* Setup a help instance */



<td align="left"><?php $help->link(LOGIN_HELP_USERNAME, $help_file, 'imp')

Now... I don't know any PHP but my guess is that I should find the file
where print_help_js() is defined and try add continue my investigation from
there. But where _is_ it defined?

Or maybe I should define in horde/config/horde.php3

$default->horde_root_url           = '/horde/';

