[imp] Inbox-Layout with hidden deleted messages

Carsten Guenther cguenther@guenthers.net
Tue, 05 Dec 2000 23:03:19 +0100

Chuck Hagenbuch schrieb:

> > would it be possible to habe IMP showing 15 messages per page in every
> > case, not depending on any deleted messages ? as imp does output only an
> > IMAP-point-of-view, this could be done with an abstraction-layer,
> > buffering and preparing the output, i think.
> 2.3 already does this. It won't be backported to 2.2 because it uses a feature
> that I added to imap_sort() as of php 4.0.4-dev.

... maybe i should start upgrading now :-) ...  btw: whats the current
state of turba ?


| GCSysteme                   | Tel  : +49 (0)700 GUENTHER      |
| Carsten Günther  Cpt A319   | Fax  : +49 (0)2303 770 952      |
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