[imp] ldap

Rick Stevens rstevens@publichost.com
Wed, 06 Dec 2000 09:36:56 -0800

John C. Amodeo wrote:

> Greetings,
> Does anyone have experience setting up php/horde/imp to work exclusively
> with an ldap directory?  I am having trouble finding good documentation
> on the proper way to do this.  Basically, we are looking to use ldap for
> horde session management as well as for the database.  Is this possible?

I'd shy away from using LDAP for session management.  LDAP isn't
really designed to be written to a lot--it's a directory service.
Modifying LDAP entries a lot pokes a lot of holes in the underlying
databases and slows down access.  Use a SQL engine, DBM or something
- Rick Stevens, CTO, PublicHost, Inc.        rstevens@publichost.com -
- 949-743-2010 (Voice)                     http://www.publichost.com -
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