Authentication against MySQL Database

Evans, Tim
Thu, 7 Dec 2000 21:25:51 -0500

I am adding Web-based e-mail to an existing portal-like site, using
IMP and Cyrus imapd.  The site is built pretty much exclusively with
PHP and MySQL.
We already have all the userid's and passwords for the
portal site in MySQL and would like to let users log into
their IMP/Webmail accounts with the same password.

I believe Cyrus/SASL authentication using PAM may be one way of doing this,
but would hope this is a wheel someone else has already invented.

Or, if IMP folks have already done this sort of thing with some other
means, I'd like to hear about that, too.  Best of all possible
worlds would be a single login to both the portal site and IMP.

Thanks, I will summarize.