[imp] Customize

william wallace wwallace27@hotmail.com
Wed, 20 Dec 2000 17:09:16 -0000

Ya could customize lots of thing with this file:

Cheers !.

In spanish:

Podes customizar un monton de cosas con este archivo:

Saludos !.

>El Dom 17 Dic 2000 20:47, escribiste:
> > Is there any manual to customise IMP?
>I would add to this:
>Is there a way (I couldn't find it) to customize things like the IMP 
>that appears on the top right corner, or the IMP logo?
>We want to put it in our university, but we want to have it customized.
>Also, are there variables that one can put in the defaults.inc to change 
>Saludos... :-)
>System Administration: It's a dirty job,
>but someone told I had to do it.
>Martín Marqués			email: 	martin@math.unl.edu.ar
>Santa Fe - Argentina		http://math.unl.edu.ar/~martin/
>Administrador de sistemas en math.unl.edu.ar
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