[imp] login fails (was Re: [imp] undefined function: send())
Max Kalika
Mon, 25 Dec 2000 20:14:21 -0800
Quoting Craig Zimmerman <craigz@internet00.tbwachiat.com>:
> [phpinfo()]
> './configure' '--with-mm' '--with-mysql=/usr/local/etc/mysql'
> '--with-ldap' '--with-imap=../pine/imap'
> '--with-gettext' '--with-db3=/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.3.1'
> '--with-apache=../apache'
Does phpinfo() show that imap support has been correctly compiled? Sounds like
your php doesn't have the imap functions. And if you just pointed configure to
look in where you compiled pine, it definately won't work because the uw
package creates a file called c-client.a not libc-client.a and the linker won't
find the library. Its best to make a separate directory structure
(i.e. /usr/local/c-client/lib and /usr/local/c-client/include) and copy
{rfc822,linkage,mail}.h into /usr/local/c-client/include and c-client.a
to /usr/local/c-client/lib/libc-client.a and then point php's configure to --
with-imap=/usr/local/c-client. Hope that helps! Good luck.