[imp] Internet explorer download atachments problem

Jeremy jeremy@electrosilk.net
Tue, 9 Jan 2001 19:03:34 +0800

>     I have a error whith Internet explorer(5.5) and Imp. My imp is 2.2.3
> horde 1.2.3, apache 1.3.12, php 3.0.17 and I'm using a POP3 server.
>     When a message have a atach, I can't download the atachment by
> in download button (the IE try to save a "imp html" file) , I need to
> click and "save target as" to download right.
>     In netscape all work well.
>     Anyone can help?

I have IE 5.5 and the same IMP, horde and php.  I have 1.3.14 Apache but I
don't think that is relevant here.

I can download attachments without problems.  Perhaps it is an IE setting on
your machine ?


>From aghaffar@developer.ch Date: Tue,  9 Jan 2001 03:12:44 +0100
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Subject: Re: [imp] suggestions, IMP 2.3

Quoting rob@myinternetplace.net:

> Quoting Atif Ghaffar <aghaffar@developer.ch>:
> > Quoting rob@myinternetplace.net:
> > > can we see screenshots?  I am pretty new to imp and don't know what
> > > differences
> > > you are talkinjg about regarding frames and no frames.
> > You can have a look at the test site.
> > http://webmail.developer.ch:8080/
> > username: horde
> > pass: imp
> Yes, having the folders on one side and the emails on the other is nice.  
> Are
> you thinking of having a top and bottom frame on the right side, with the
> current mailbox view being on the top, and the body of the message being
> viewed
> on the bottom?
Yes, I am thinking about it, I am currently using only IMP for all my email
tasks when on road or on desk, even when offline I use IMP (I have a Linux
laptop running IMP, and a Cyrus server that synchronizes with the main
mailserver, when I go online (Single user server :) ),  so I would like a lot of
features that I miss from a conventional email GUI (Netscape Messanger not

I dont know a lot of people who use IMP exclusively, so a lot of frames might be
an overkill for the casual on-the-run web-based email user.

Today, an information architect has joined our team who will be giving her
opinions on the interfaces that we are using / promoting for customers (IMP and
other stuff) based on the user's behaviour, usability etc. I will convey the
HORDE team her comments if any.

We have previously used IMP 2.2.x in some small service portals (with some
cosmetic changes and customizations), and this time we want to use IMP 2.3.x/2.4
for another portal where we combine services such as calendar, mail, sms, fax,
reminders, homepages etc.

What I will really enjoy doing the next week is to embed FAX and SMS interface
to the IMP email interface (Whats the point of teaching users three different
GUIs to send similar information?).
So instead of Having links, like, 
"Click here if you want to send fax " , and then fill out these fields
or "Click here to send sms" and fill out these other fields, 
we will use simply one interface ("Compose Message"), I dont think its easily
explainable, Ill put a demo online when I have a prototype.

> Also, one reason I wouldn't use it as shown is because i don't know how to
> resize the panes.  Can one make the left pane smaller?

I would like this to be in preferences.
User can choose to have in prefs

* Frames or non-frames interface
* If frames then the pixel size of left frame.
* etc, etc.

(Resizable frames and javascript dont play very well together unfortunately)
On the other hand, we can make a mozilla like side-bar in DHTML but that will be
a true pain in the backside to manage.
Oh speaking of DHTML, I did some DHTML stuff with the 2.2.x (Floating bar on the
mailbox.php3 screen). I didnt like to have twice the same bar, and couldnt
figure out how to take it out of mailbox.php3 and put it in a frame.
Check it out http://www.rslnet.ch
user: horde
pass: imp

If anyone wants to have it, give me a shout, Ill cat it to your email address.


Atif Ghaffar

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