[imp] imp 2.3.x vs TWIG

Jeff Greenfield jgreen@calvin.edu
Sat, 27 Jan 2001 10:04:38 -0500

>The design problem I ran into: how to authenticate for the remote
>if the two IMAP servers have different passwords?  My only idea was to
>the user to separate the password entered into the proxy with a
>key, so that they could be sent to the separate servers. (e.g. if I
had two
>passwords 'dude' and 'sweet', and a key '||', then my proxy password
>be 'dude||sweet'.  Not very elegant - other ideas welcome.

If you are talking about allowing the user to add or delete multiple
IMAP mailboxes themselves, this is the design I would approach:
Assume for the IMP installation, there will always be 1 default IMAP
server for each user (perhaps a dual key - Primary IMAP server / UserID)
that they log into.  Then either next to their address book, or separate
database - maintain a list of "remote mailboxes" that the user can
specify - which actually contains the IMAP hostname, username, and
password of that remote mailbox.  Thus the user only has to log into
their "primary" mailbox, and gets all the rest of it (even if both their
userid and password are different between the systems).  Of course,
storing and passing a password to/from a database source might be too
insecure for some, but I think that can be tightened enough to make this
a feasible implementation.

Jeff Greenfield <jgreen@calvin.edu>
Calvin College Information Technologies
Systems Engineer / Webmaster / Postmaster