Max execution time exceeded
Wed, 07 Feb 2001 21:51:45 -0600 (CST)

This is more of an annoyance thing, and hopefully there is a quick 
fix... Anybody get the Newsletter via IMP?  
Mine always gives this error when it tries to open the email (this 
example is 60kb in size):

Fatal error: Maximum execution time exceeded in ../lib/horde.lib on 
line 1195

I found something on the list from some months ago that said to change 
max_execution_time = 30 in php3.ini.  Still relevant?  Also increase 
memory usage?  

Horde v1.2.3
IMP v2.2.3
PHP v3.0.17-1.6.2
IMP and IMAP server are on same box, so 30 seconds would seem more 
than adequate.
