[imp] IMP 2.2.x RPMs for Red Hat 7 available

Christopher Kalos ckalos@gothambroadband.com
Thu, 8 Feb 2001 10:14:02 -0500

	RPM made all of its changes without a hitch, in that it replaced httpd.conf
(leaving a copy of the old one around), added the horde and imp.conf files,
	We're running the -6 PHP packages from Nalin.
	As for setting everything 777, it was merely a chmod -R 777 * from
/var/www/html/horde.  After setup, the site is utterly inaccessible.  The
web server simply does not respond.
	Apache is version 1.3.12.  I suppose an upgrade wouldn't kill us...  Since
we're using horde-shm, there aren't any database concerns, though.


-----Original Message-----
From: Brent J. Nordquist [mailto:bjn@horde.org]
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2001 7:30 PM
To: imp@lists.horde.org
Subject: RE: [imp] IMP 2.2.x RPMs for Red Hat 7 available

On Wed, 7 Feb 2001, Christopher Kalos <ckalos@gothambroadband.com> wrote:

>       It doesn't work on our newly installed RH 7.0 server here.

Drat.  Well, thanks for the report; let's see if we can figure it out.  I
did "scrub" the RPMs and directories out between each of my three
installs; not quite the same as a fresh box but it usually helps spot
hidden dependencies.

Did you check for files of the pattern *.rpm* in /etc and /var?  Just to
make sure that all the changes the RPM makes during installation (to
httpd.conf, etc.) got applied.

Does test.php3 (or even a simple phpinfo() script) work OK, or report any

> 	We're running PHP 4.0.4pl1 with matching PHP-IMAP and other packages.

Which one, -5 from Nalin or -6 from Rawhide?  I used 4.0.3pl1 for my
testing, which works fine for all IMP functions as far as I can tell;
don't know if that's a quick option for you.  But I do want to try 4.0.4
as I have time here.

> There is no properly compatible mod_php for this version yet, however.

I noticed there isn't a mod_php RPM, but if you look in the php-4.0.4pl1
RPM, the .so file is in there now.  Red Hat keeps changing their mind
about whether the .so should be in a separate RPM or not; it appears they
flipped back between 4.0.3 and 4.0.4.

> 	If we set *everything* mode 777, we can get all the way out through the
> setup, but that's as far as it goes.

You mean all the directories as well?  Is it possible that some directory
along the path up to / isn't accessible by other?

And when you say "that's as far as it goes", you mean after setup you get
the local.inc or Permission denied error?

> 	As I said, it's a fresh box, and we haven't even touched the apache
> beyond what the RPMs did for including the Horde and IMP config files.

Er, did you compare your RPM list (rpm -qa) to the list in the README?
There are several things in there that are updates to the Red Hat RPMs as
shipped with 7 originally, notably MySQL, but also Apache.  They're all on
the Horde FTP site if you need them (in i386).

Brent J. Nordquist <bjn@horde.org>
Yahoo!: Brent_Nordquist / AIM: BrentJNordquist / ICQ: 76158942

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