[imp] Houston; we have a problem

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Sat, 10 Feb 2001 00:26:35 -0500

Quoting Network <network@network.shacknet.nu>:

> The very first time a user goes thru the above sequence *no* error is seen
> in any /var/log/*.  However, subsequent *imp login attempts* using the same
> browser session, yields the following errors.
> >From tail -f /var/log/messages <-- the first to display any output....
> Feb  9 16:30:08 tower /kernel: pid 10207 (httpd), uid 65534: exited on
> signal 11
> Feb  9 16:30:08 tower /kernel: pid 10210 (httpd), uid 65534: exited on
> signal 11

1. Does php have imap support?
2. If not, that's your problem.
3. If so, go to http://bugs.php.net/bugs-generating-backtrace.php for 
   instructions on how to get a backtrace that will help you figure out what's 
   going on.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"My intuitive grasp of math often leads me astray." -Me