[imp] WAP ?

Lars Hecking lhecking@nmrc.ucc.ie
Tue, 13 Feb 2001 11:24:41 +0000

> Second, I have to say that I was quite surprised to read (2.3.9 Is 
> Sendmail required?)
> that it was required ( or ssmtp ) ...  rather than using something 
> similar to perl SMTP modules
> for security reasons.
 I can't find what you're refering to, but some form of sendmail is
 installed on more or less any Unix system. Why make IMP installation
 even more complicated as it already is by requiring yet another
 software which is not normally installed by default?

 As far as current versions of sendmail are concerned, security is much
 better than its reputation. If you are using a different MTA which
 provides a sendmail-compatible interface for mail injection (such as
 postfix; dunno about qmail), an MTA with modular structure and designed-in
 security, even better.