[imp] More LDAP Problems

Jorge Izquierdo jizquierdo@sgi.es
Wed, 14 Feb 2001 09:54:12 +0100


 I am installing imp-2.2.3 on Apache_1.3.17, but first I have installed
 php-4.0.3pl1 and horde-1.2.3 (with phplib). In the last step of phplib
 installation appears:

 Once you've chosen your phplib storage container, you'll need to set it
 up to handle phplib sessions.  For example, if you chose to use an sql
 database, you'll need to add the appropriate tables as well as create a
 database user account (not a system account) with which to access the

 But I use ldap and I don't know what must I add. I think that I must add un
 objectclass called phplibdata and some object cn=HordeSession on my ldap,
 but I don't know the attributes of the objectclass and if this is true.

 May anybody help me?
