[imp] Re: why can't I login?

Yohann Fourteau yohann.fourteau@shom.fr
Wed, 28 Feb 2001 17:48:55 +0100

Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
> Quoting Yohann Fourteau <yohann.fourteau@shom.fr>:
> > I have the same problem on the demo site of imp 2.3.7-cvs
> >
> > I just can login one time on the demo site. I have to kill my netscape to be
> > able to login again...
> Does the first login work successfully? What are you doing between the first
> login and the second? Is this true for any server, or is it just one server
> that you're trying to log in to? If so, anything special about that server?
> What's the port, etc... ?

On the demo site :
first login : all is ok, it works properly (it's in my imapd logs, it's ok) I look
at my mail, I deconnect.
second login : failed (nothing on my logs, not even a simple IP packet)
third login : failed ... (nothing on my logs, not even a simple IP packet)

With my imap server and on the 143 port.

Yohann F.
Service Hydrographique et Oceanographique de la Marine - Service INF
13, rue du Chatellier ---  BP 426  --- 29275 Brest Cedex, FRANCE
Tel: (+33) 2 98 22 15 58
Email: Yohann.Fourteau@shom.fr