[imp] why can't I login?

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Wed, 28 Feb 2001 15:36:25 -0500

Quoting Jonathan Ellis <jbellis@hotmail.com>:

> > Okay... I assume you can telnet to port 143 on localhost and log in
> correctly?
> That's right.

Okay. Sorry if I'm backtracking; do you see connection attempts in your imap 
server's logs? Do you have imap compiled into php?

> This one has me confused.  Why should imp try to read the physical imap
> folders?

It doesn't.

> dkimap4 stores its folder list in
> /var/spool/dkimap/hostname/user/uname/folders,
> but really imp should be querying imap for this.  (What if someone wants to
> run imp and the imap server on different machines?)  So that doesn't make 
> sense to me but I don't see what else it could mean.

IMP doesn't care where the folders really are. But some imap servers (UW) make 
available more of the filesystem than you really want, so you need to tell 
them, for instance, that you don't want all of a user's home directory listed, 
you just want the files in their mail/ directory. This is what $default-
>folders is for.

> BTW I tried setting log_errors = On and error_reporting = E_ALL in php.ini,
> and error_level = E_ALL in imp/config/defaults.php3, but nothing gets
> logged to my logfile (it doesn't even get created) so that is a crock. :(

Anything in your apache logs?


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"We have no fuel on board, plus or minus 8 kilograms." -A NASA scientist