[imp] Compose

Ricardo de Oliveira Portes portes@pmf.sc.gov.br
Tue, 06 Mar 2001 18:06:47 -0300

"Brent J. Nordquist" wrote:
   I correct the problem. The name of database was different of the name
on the config files.
	Thanks for the help.


> On Thu, 1 Mar 2001, Ricardo de Oliveira Portes <portes@pmf.sc.gov.br> wrote:
> > I do all that steps and everything it's OK, except by the counter. When
> > I do the "Reload" to increment counter and I see the message below:
> > "
> >     Per Session Data: 1
> And it's always "1", after each reload?  Then we know your problem:
> PHPLIB isn't configured correctly.
> What are you using for PHPLIB session storage?  If MySQL or PostgreSQL,
> are you able to log in at the command-line using the host, user, password,
> etc. from horde/phplib/local.inc ?  (In other words, the values have to
> match, and work.)  Re-reading horde/phplib/README and checking your PHPLIB
> setup would probably be a good idea at this point.
> --
> Brent J. Nordquist <bjn@horde.org>
> Yahoo!: Brent_Nordquist / AIM: BrentJNordquist / ICQ: 76158942
> --
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>From chuck@horde.org Date: Tue,  6 Mar 2001 19:07:45 -0500
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Subject: Re: [imp] deleted IMP messages

Quoting Dana <jumpmom99@mail.gulf.net>:

> I had a page of messages I was saving disappear the other day.  It's
> possible I inadvertently deleted the messages, but I think not.  The two
> step IMP delete process is a good one and goes a long way toward
> inadvertent
> deletion.
> Does IMP move saved messages to an archive, file automatically, or auto
> delete either after a certain quantity is reached, or a certain time has
> expired?  If so, how do I access/retrieve them?

Unless you tell IMP to move messages to a trash folder (only an option with 
unofficial patches or with 2.3), messages are marked as deleted, and then 
expunged. IMP doesn't do anything else to them.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"Live, from Washington, where the doctors were telling us what they did, and
 did not, do with Vice President Cheney." -Dan Rather