[imp] Duplicate insert into active_sessions
Nadeem Hasan
Fri, 09 Mar 2001 11:37:13 -0500
That fixed the problem. Thanks very much. I didn't know
about this admin FAQ, so I didn't know better than to ask
it here. :)
One minor note, the FAQ talks about the problem showing up
at logout time. I had this error at the login screen itself,
and it happened all the time.
Thanks again,
Nadeem Hasan
"Brent J. Nordquist" wrote:
> On Thu, 8 Mar 2001, Nadeem Hasan <nhasan@nadmm.com> wrote:
> > Database error (HordeDB): Invalid SQL: insert into active_sessions (
> > sid, name, val, changed ) values ('98ed6ac11213c9a491cef5c7298918ed',
> > 'HordeSession',
> > 'base64:JHRoaXMtPmluID0gJyc7ICR0aGlzLT5wdCA9IGFycmF5KCk7IA==',
> > '20010308130103')
> > Database error (HordeDB): Session: freeze() failed.
> http://www.horde.org/faq/admin/trouble/index.php#t4
>From chuck@horde.org Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2001 11:35:55 -0500
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Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2001 11:35:55 -0500
From: Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>
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Subject: Re: [imp] Menu Layout in IMP 2.3.7
Quoting Paul Juliano <paul@edsamail.com.ph>:
> I tried changing this in ~imp/conf.php:
> /**
> ** HTML / Layout Settings
> **/
> // Where should we display the menu? Valid values are 'top', 'left',
> // 'bottom', and 'right'.
> $conf['layout']['menu'] = 'left';
This setting sort of went away when we killed the frames. Do people really want
it back? It'd be fairly easy to have left or top; bottom and right would mean
fussing with all of the files that use the menu.
I'd rather just keep it consistently on top now that we're frameless. Thoughts?
Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"Live, from Washington, where the doctors were telling us what they did, and
did not, do with Vice President Cheney." -Dan Rather
>From chuck@horde.org Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2001 11:45:27 -0500
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Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2001 11:45:27 -0500
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Subject: Re: [imp] wrong opening page
Quoting Peter Ip <peter.ip@utoronto.ca>:
> There is a problem when users open their INBOX or other folders, and if
> they have unread messages. If the messages are not in correct sort order
> on the IMAP server, then the page that's presented is sometimes wrong.
> I'm not an expert, but I believe that IMP should be using UIDs to figure
> out what page to present, instead of raw message numbers.
The problem is that UIDs might be 10431, which is kind of hard to map to a page
number - you don't know if that's the first message in the mailbox, or what...
Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"Live, from Washington, where the doctors were telling us what they did, and
did not, do with Vice President Cheney." -Dan Rather