[imp] IMP and Apache/SSL
Thu, 15 Mar 2001 23:53:42 -0500
> With concern about not wrecking the current setup, is the best thing
> to just backup the current /apache/bin dir and /usr/sbin/httpd file?
> And when compiling apache again, to do
> --prefix=/some/other/dir/apache? The INSTALL didn't mention doing a
> ./configure for apache, just make.
i don't want to brag, but on my debian system, i deinstalled apache-ssl,
reinstalled apache and mod_ssl and had web services back running in
less than 3 minutes. then proceeded to install local imap, blocked
access from the outside with iptables, installed imp, and configured
it to only use localhost:143. the entire set up from apache-ssl to
apache/mod-ssl/imap/imp took 15 minutes. on debian. based on my redhat
experience, i wouldn't ever have to do it with that distribution...