[imp] Unstable instalation?

Robert Marchand robert.marchand@UMontreal.CA
Fri, 16 Mar 2001 13:30:36 -0500


      I,ve had this problem also.  By default, sessions expires only a day 
later.  On a busy
site, this can cause Share Memory to fill up.  No such problem with a database.
Also I've found that restarting the server make things worse: shared memory 
is not released.

If you want to stick with shared memory, you can allow more memory I think, 
but I don't
know the exact method.  Also changing the 'secret key' will allocate a new 
block of
memory but the previous bloc will still be there... And you can also 
reduced the session

Hope this help.

At 14:04 01-03-16 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi *
>         I've installed horde 1.2.4 with horde-shm and imp 2.2.4 from RPMs
>on a RedHat 7.0 linux pc. It worked OK the first day, but on the second
>day it gave a error message about not enought share memory. It only
>restart to working at the noon.
>     Is it a way on which I can configure it to give it more memory? If I
>install postgres or MySQL and I reconfigure horde this problem would die?
>Thanks in advance
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Robert Marchand                 tél: 343-6111 poste 5210
DGTIC-SIT                       e-mail: robert.marchand@umontreal.ca
Université de Montréal          Montréal, Canada