[imp] IMP CVS 2.3.7 (Mar 19 2001) Fails to save preferences or track connections

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Tue, 20 Mar 2001 13:17:27 -0500

Quoting Joe Jenkins <joe@nowalls.com>:

> I have IMP from CVS working (today's version) except for a couple of 
> things:  When I turn on connection tracking, I no longer can log 
> in.  Checking IMP's log, I see:

Can you try updating to cvs as of now (1:16pm EST)? I've just fixed a couple of 
problems in the sql drivers for both preferences and connection tracking. I've 
tested the preferences code and it's working for me now; I haven't had a chance 
to test the connection tracking, though.

> I have tried "hostspec" as well as "hostname" in the above, with the same 
> results.

hostspec is correct.

> Also, anytime I try to set user preferences, nothing is saved.  Nothing is 
> written to the database.  I can log in fine using command line mysql, and I
> can access the tables and do a query on it.  I know thats working.  It 
> seems horde / imp isnt connecting to the database or even trying?  I look 
> in imp/lib/db/mysql and there is nothing there but a CVS folder.  Should 
> there be something here?

Nope; that's just a cvs remnant. Run cvs with the -P flag to prune empty 


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
Every dark cloud has a silver lining, but lightning kills hundreds of people 
each year who are trying to find it.