
Craig Richardson
Mon, 26 Mar 2001 16:57:47 +1000

Hi All,

I have a question about gpc_magic_quotes.  I know they have to be off for
IMP to work. However I also need them to be on, as our website uses data
stored in the same MySql database.

In my php.ini file (php 4.0.3) I have set the following.
magic_quotes_gpc to ON
magic_quotes_runtime to OFF

I have got around this by adding the following to my httpd.conf (apache

<directory /home/httpd/html/horde>
php_flag_magic_quotes_gpc Off
<directory /home/httpd/html/horde/imp>
php_flag_magic_quotes_gpc Off

Which works, no one using IMP gets extra /'s.  However when someone wants to
add some data to mqsql for the website I have to restart the httpd service
to turn on magic quotes for them.  This wont work for times when I am not

Oh btw I am using MySQL 3.22.25

Can anyone suggest anything that might work better.


Craig Richardson, BSc
Systems Administrator
Macquarie Centre for Cognitive Science
phone: +61 2 9850 6730
office: C5A567