[imp] browsing LDAP server in Contacts

Dechansiaud, Eric Eric.DECHANSIAUD@stratium.fr
Tue, 27 Mar 2001 13:28:15 +0200

When I do a "LDAP search" from "Contacts" I get a "...too many results..."
The LDAP server is working fine and in debug mode we can see queries coming
I guess it's a problem with LDAP.PHP3 parameters. But can it be a missing
code somewhere else ?
Could someone give more details on all the optional parameters beside
My entry is like :
$LDAPServers['mail.school.org'] = new LDAPServer('mail.school.org',
					   'School LDAP contacts',

My system is running :
RedHat v.6.2 with kernel 2.2.18
openLDAP 1.2.11
qmail 1.0.3
courier-IMAP 1.2.3
Apache 1.3.14
postgreSQL 6.5.3
PHP 4.0.4pl1
Horde 1.2.3
IMP 2.2.3
phplib 7.2c

Thanks for answer,
