[imp] "applying" locale ??

Sebastien Guilbaud sguilbaud@oceanet-technology.com
Mon, 02 Apr 2001 17:21:16 +0200

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> In no particular order...
> 1. Make sure you've added an fr entry to horde/config/lang.php
> 2. Make sure you've run make install in imp/po, and that it generated an imp.mo
>    file in imp/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/.
> 3. Go into Options and make sure that your language is set to French.
> 4. You are testing with IMP 2.3, correct?

yes... all done...
but I think my locale system is broken...
> If all else fails, send the .po file to the dev list and we'll see if we can
> get it to work.

74 messages remaining, should be ok by the end of the week
what do you mean by "dev list" ?? dev@lists.horde.org ?
> Thanks for the translation effort!

hope this helps :-)

Sébastien Guilbaud
Oceanet - Responsable Technique
"To err is human, to really f*ck things up requires the root password"
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>From chuck@horde.org Date: Mon,  2 Apr 2001 11:26:58 -0400
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Subject: Re: [imp] "applying" locale ??

Quoting Sebastien Guilbaud <sguilbaud@oceanet-technology.com>:

> 74 messages remaining, should be ok by the end of the week
> what do you mean by "dev list" ?? dev@lists.horde.org ?


Thanks again,

Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
Number of U.S. nuclear bombs lost in accidents and never recovered: 11