[imp] Cookies?
J?rgen Tysnes
Tue, 3 Apr 2001 16:21:19 +0200
I forgot to undump the .sql but I didnt see this in the original README.
Anyway, everything working well now. Thanks a lot!
>From chuck@horde.org Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2001 11:15:58 -0400
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Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2001 11:15:58 -0400
From: Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>
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Subject: Re: [imp] Can't send mail.
Quoting David Cake <dave@difference.com.au>:
> IMP is working for me in every way except sending mail. When
> I send mail, compose.php reloads itself, as if nothing has happened
> (ie doesn't close popup, as I presume it should). I've checked and
> double checked every thing to do with sending mail.
Can you be a little bit more specific than "latest cvs versions"? Which exact
versions of which pieces?
Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
Number of U.S. nuclear bombs lost in accidents and never recovered: 11